Does a narcissist see my true value?

Narcissists often struggle to see the true value of others due to their self-centered nature and need for constant validation. Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Self-Absorption: Narcissists are primarily focused on themselves and their own needs. This self-absorption can make it difficult for them to genuinely appreciate or recognize the worth of others.
  2. Manipulation: They may acknowledge your value only in terms of how you can benefit them. They might recognize skills, talents, or qualities that serve their own interests but often fail to appreciate these attributes for your sake.
  3. Insecurity: Narcissists often feel insecure and compensate for this by belittling or ignoring the value of others. Recognizing your true worth might threaten their self-image.
  4. Lack of Empathy: Narcissists typically lack empathy, making it hard for them to genuinely understand and appreciate the feelings, needs, and value of other people.

In short, while a narcissist might see certain aspects of your value, it’s often through a lens of how it benefits them rather than recognizing and appreciating your inherent worth.

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