I Heed Even Negative Energy From A Post

*This post was created during the days I was on Twitter over a year ago.

Most people call it energy. Some call it auras. I call it discernment because oftentimes I just know. I’m hypersensitive to what is happening in the atmosphere, and I’d even go as far to say I discern what’s happening in the spiritual realm. For me, words carry power and emotions, and I can usually feel what’s going on behind them.

Sometimes when a person responds to my posts on social media, I can often feel some type of energy behind the post whether it be of sarcasm, anger, or sadness. I always heed these feelings I get. I am just that sensitive to pay attention to what’s going on behind a person’s response. This allows me to know (in a way) the type of person I might be dealing with and whether I want to continue to engage with them.

Sometimes, because I want to give a person the benefit of doubt, since I cannot always know what goes on with a person I can’t see on social media, I will continue interactions with the person until I’m certain that their posts are meant to cause me some type of emotional harm. I’ve never been wrong about this either. Once I know that I know a person is being antagonistic towards me, I cut them off. I block them. It’s my page, and I can communicate with whom I chose to and people are entitled to do the same on their own platform.

I refuse to entangle myself with people who mean me no good. In my everyday life, it’s often taken me a long time to come to terms with cutting toxic behaving people out of my life, but I don’t have to allow that type of occurrence with toxic behaving people on social media. I can control what happens, to a certain extent, on my domain. So I will. I will not allow myself to be verbally and/or psychologically abused by others. I am choosing to be mature and healthy.

I will not argue regarding my personal experiences and I will not debate about them either. I will simply close myself off from further communications with a person who chooses to attempt to antagonize me. Not that I would consider people who do these things narcissists, but they are behaving narcissistically. Despite my knowing that any comments I post are open to responses from others even if they disagree with my opinions regarding my ideas, I will allow no one the space to destroy me emotionally because of my experiences with narcissistic abuse.

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